An Overview – Sport Clubs at Rowan University


Are you a Rowan University student interested in playing sports? If so, checking out the list of Rowan’s sport clubs is a great idea! Rowan offers a huge variety of different sport clubs so there’s always something for you. There is a grand total of 47 different sport clubs! I didn’t even know there were 47 different sports!

A list of all the Rowan sport clubs. (PHOTO/Rowan University)

All Rowan sport clubs are either instructional, recreational, or competitive; leaving a ton of room for choosing what you’re comfortable with. Any and every skill level is welcome to join as well. Some of the competitive clubs have tryouts in order to get in, but all the other instructional and recreational sport clubs usually just require a small fee to sign up. Membership fees vary by club.

Not only will you get great exercise by joining a Rowan sport club, but also meet new friends with the same interests as you! Either way, Rowan University is proud to have you represent them on the field.

A lot of things people do to get involved on campus aren’t too fun to be completely honest. With Rowan sport clubs, your combining getting involved with fun! The benefits of joining a club can last a lifetime. Don’t you want to tell your grand-children about the time you made the game winning shot as a member of a Rowan sport club? Click here to find which sport club you are interested in joining!