My Farewell


As summer is drawing near, my time as an entertainment blogger has to come to an end at some point. I have decided to discontinue this blog because of not having nearly enough time to post. I enjoy doing this; so that is definitely not the reason as to why I’m stopping my blog. With my job and the classes I’m taking this summer, it would be extremely difficult to have content to post given my situation. Because of this, I’d like to apologize to any of my viewers that might be disappointed.

With that being said, I’d like to thank everyone who has paid attention to my blog at any point over the past few months. You guys kept me going and made me strive to make my posts as insightful and interesting as possible. Before I started this blog, I really didn’t know about things to do in and around Rowan’s campus. My viewers and I learned together that there is indeed things to do in boring old Glassboro, New Jersey. To all my die hard’s, I say goodbye.

Check out 5 of my favorite blog posts by clicking here, here, here, here, and here.

An Overview – Things to do on Rowan Boulevard


From 2008 to now, Rowan University has been working to make Rowan Boulevard a groundbreaking entertainment and restaurant scene for the students of Rowan and citizens of Glassboro. It is absolutely beautiful now that it is finally done. When it comes to the entertainment scene, you got to come check this out.

Whether you live in Glassboro or you are a Rowan University student, there is a place for you on Rowan Boulevard. There are all sorts of places to go; ranging from a nail salon, a Barnes and Noble, and there is even a fitness center.

“Barnes and Noble is one of my favorite places to hang out on campus. I can grab a coffee inside and read for as long as I want. It’s really a relaxing environment,” said Michael Francis, a sophomore at Rowan University.

Barnes and Noble was opened in 2010 on Rowan Boulevard and has been a key component for students and locals to find books they like and buy different things for school. There is also plenty of space (two floors) to hangout and grab a coffee with some buddies. For more information on the Barnes and Noble at Rowan University, click here.

Across the street from Barnes and Noble, there are a few restaurants that are worth checking out. The Mexican Mariachi Grill and Chickie’s and Pete’s are hands down my favorite. A burger from Chickie’s is a must-have here in Glassboro. Not only are these great places to eat but watching sports at these places is common with Rowan students and encouraged. I’ve gone there a few times in the past couple of weeks to eat and watch playoff basketball. Whenever there’s a night where you got nothing to do, head over to Chickie’s and you’ll be in for a fun night.

“Watching the Eagles win the Super Bowl at Chickie’s and Pete’s was so fun. It was so rowdy in there and everyone was just having a super awesome time,” mentioned Tommy Jenkins, a junior from Rowan University.

For more information on Chickie’s and Pete’s, click here.

A virtual reality place and an escape room also opened recently on Rowan Boulevard. Although a bit pricey, these places are worth checking out. With virtual reality becoming more popular these days, this place has all the up to date stuff for people to use. I have yet to go there myself, but I plan on making an appearance sometime next fall. For the escape room, this is an extremely enjoyable place to go. If you get a group of friends together, you all get locked in a room and you have an hour to escape; figuring out different puzzles along the way. I remember the first time I went, and I had a blast. It was so fun to watch all my friends trying to escape the room and figure out the puzzles. You’re in for a memorable experience at both the escape room and virtual reality place.

Rowan University has been working non stop over the past few years to make Rowan Boulevard as extravagant as possible. Every year I’ve been at Rowan, they have been making huge strides in constructing these new buildings. With all of these new apartment buildings, restaurants, and entertainment places being built, who knows what Rowan University will be capable of in the next coming years.

Skateboarding at Rowan with Mike Ravaschiere


Giving skateboarding a try could be one of the best decisions you could ever make. Although it isn’t easy by any means, skating is so satisfying once you get the hang of it. Not only is it a good time, but it also can be a commodity for college students. Running late for class? If you have a skateboard, that isn’t a problem. I know I’ve been late for class before and wished I had a skateboard to get there quicker.

I sat down with Mike Ravaschiere, a sophomore at Rowan University, to discuss on-campus skateboarding. He had a lot of advice to offer to beginners who want to try skating and really laid out all of the positive aspects of skateboarding.


An Overview – Sport Clubs at Rowan University


Are you a Rowan University student interested in playing sports? If so, checking out the list of Rowan’s sport clubs is a great idea! Rowan offers a huge variety of different sport clubs so there’s always something for you. There is a grand total of 47 different sport clubs! I didn’t even know there were 47 different sports!

A list of all the Rowan sport clubs. (PHOTO/Rowan University)

All Rowan sport clubs are either instructional, recreational, or competitive; leaving a ton of room for choosing what you’re comfortable with. Any and every skill level is welcome to join as well. Some of the competitive clubs have tryouts in order to get in, but all the other instructional and recreational sport clubs usually just require a small fee to sign up. Membership fees vary by club.

Not only will you get great exercise by joining a Rowan sport club, but also meet new friends with the same interests as you! Either way, Rowan University is proud to have you represent them on the field.

A lot of things people do to get involved on campus aren’t too fun to be completely honest. With Rowan sport clubs, your combining getting involved with fun! The benefits of joining a club can last a lifetime. Don’t you want to tell your grand-children about the time you made the game winning shot as a member of a Rowan sport club? Click here to find which sport club you are interested in joining!

Student Reactions of the Protest at Rowan University


Just one of the many disturbing signs that the protesters were holding. (PHOTO/Colin Hersh)

Those guys are a bunch of low lives who extorted and abused their first amendment rights to try and get “free money”. They don’t deserve our time to be honest.

-Austin Taylor, Sophomore at Rowan University

I respect the way student life treated this because it was more of a positive vibe that showed the protesters that they were wrong.

-Gerren Sayco, Sophomore at Rowan University

A Profile of Philly Blogger Josh Middleton


Meet Josh! (PHOTO/Josh Middleton)

Josh Middleton, 40, has ran blogs professionally for several local outlets, including Philadelphia City Paper, Philadelphia Magazine and Time Out Philadelphia. He has also blogged for The Philadelphia Citizen and Uwishunu. He does have experience doing a beat blog at Philadelphia Magazine, where he ran their LGBTQ blog, G Philly, and their arts blog. Middleton graduated Temple University in 2010 with a degree in Broadcast Journalism. In 2004, Middleton started blogging (at while living in San Francisco. Back then, sharing your life online was still pretty new; now so many people have a blog, making it easy to get “lost in the fray”. He developed a following (a lot of it came from the videos he made on his YouTube channel) after he started sharing his experiences living in San Francisco. He continued to blog extensively even after he moved back East. He ended up halting his personal blog because of graduating from college in 2010 and began blogging and writing for a living.

Middleton was born and raised in Lancaster, Kentucky, a small conservative town just south of Lexington. Throughout his childhood, Middleton faced some bullying and name-calling for being gay. Although it was challenging to get through, he had a great support system of family and friends. Despite facing some controversy, he excelled in writing. He kept journals throughout his pre-teen and teenage years, and always was at the top of his English classes. Middleton also has a passion for traveling; he is going on a trip to Japan this year which he is extremely excited about.

Middleton had a lot of advice for young bloggers. “It’s an outlet where you can be conversational and have a little fun with the things you write and share. It’s also important to keep your finger on the pulse of what your audience is looking for, which is easy to do with SEO tools that show you what people are searching for.” Knowing who your audience is and what they are looking for is essential when it comes to blogging.

Middleton’s favorite part about blogging is having a wider audience to connect with, to have greater reach. He has been able to develop relationships with some cool organizations in the city, like the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Live Nation, the Kimmel Center and local theaters.

“Sometimes you get a chance to check out exhibits and shows before anyone else, so you can share the experience with people who may want to go,” mentioned Middleton.

Something I’d like to share about Middleton is his drive to be the best person he can be.

“These days, I guess I feel most proud of myself when I feel like I’m being the best person I can be – especially in those moments when it’s particularly hard to do the right thing. So, in a nutshell, being a good, empathetic person even when it’s challenging,” said Middleton. Middleton is up for a challenge and is ready for it to test his ability to be the best person he can be.

For young bloggers and journalists, Josh Middleton is an ideal person to look up to and base some of your work off of. Check out some of his work at Uwishunu by clicking here, here, and here.

A Day in Relund Park: A Photo Gallery


Looking for a spot to chill with your buddies? Relund Park is a popular spot in Glassboro to take a walk or just hang out. Check out these scenic pictures we captured.

Photo Gallery


Come Pop Out to Rowan’s Anime Convention


On March 23, Rowan University’s Anime Club will be hosting the 1st annual KeikenCon Anime Convention. It will run from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. and will be hosted at James Hall on Rowan’s campus. Tickets are five dollars and 100% of all ticket proceeds raised will be donated to the Emmanuel Cancer Foundation. For more on the Emmanuel Cancer Foundation, click here.

Anime is unique in its own way. (PHOTO/Maya Chow)


This convention will be entirely student run and the goal is to shed light on all the beauties that anime has to offer. Events such as anime showings, cosplay, games, art, and exhibits will be showcased. If you’re looking for anything related to creativity and culture involving anime, attend the Anime Convention. By attending the Anime Convention, you are really showing your appreciation for anime and other art forms. You would also be showing appreciation for the Anime Club; as they worked very hard to put this convention together.

Besides Rowan students, the public is invited and encouraged to attend the Anime Convention as well. Children 13 years old and under must always have a paying parent or guardian with them at all times. Anyone 14 up to 18 years old must attend with a legal adult (18 and older). For all the children who might attend, remember to bring your parent or guardian with you or you will not be allowed in. For more on KeikenCon’s Policies, click here.

If anyone is looking for anymore information regarding the Anime Convention at Rowan University, click here.

Follow the Rowan University Anime Club’s Twitter! @RUAnimeClub