Come Pop Out to Rowan’s Anime Convention


On March 23, Rowan University’s Anime Club will be hosting the 1st annual KeikenCon Anime Convention. It will run from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. and will be hosted at James Hall on Rowan’s campus. Tickets are five dollars and 100% of all ticket proceeds raised will be donated to the Emmanuel Cancer Foundation. For more on the Emmanuel Cancer Foundation, click here.

Anime is unique in its own way. (PHOTO/Maya Chow)


This convention will be entirely student run and the goal is to shed light on all the beauties that anime has to offer. Events such as anime showings, cosplay, games, art, and exhibits will be showcased. If you’re looking for anything related to creativity and culture involving anime, attend the Anime Convention. By attending the Anime Convention, you are really showing your appreciation for anime and other art forms. You would also be showing appreciation for the Anime Club; as they worked very hard to put this convention together.

Besides Rowan students, the public is invited and encouraged to attend the Anime Convention as well. Children 13 years old and under must always have a paying parent or guardian with them at all times. Anyone 14 up to 18 years old must attend with a legal adult (18 and older). For all the children who might attend, remember to bring your parent or guardian with you or you will not be allowed in. For more on KeikenCon’s Policies, click here.

If anyone is looking for anymore information regarding the Anime Convention at Rowan University, click here.

Follow the Rowan University Anime Club’s Twitter! @RUAnimeClub